Wednesday 11 October 2017

story board key

25 word pitch




Tuesday 10 October 2017

day 3 filming (Leicester)

 After having our group decision with the change of riles we realised we’re going to have to rethink our shots and the star image. On this day we went back into Leicester to get more of urban feel to it. Our confidence has also grown in how we used the camera as we have more angles involved and we have played with the focus, however we have to make sure that we don’t over do it with the focus. I also think that we need more shots involving the tripod, even though we do want a lot of the shits free hand to create amore laid back feeling to the video it still needs to look professional and not always shaky.

Monday 9 October 2017

second draft for our album cover

This is our second attempt at a draft cover, the actual image hasn’t change at all however we have added more titles, this effect is quite different and wold stand out to other album covers, which is good because the indie genre can quite often be out there. We have also added the name of the song that we have chosen so this could be used if we were just making a song cover, however for an actual album we would probably on put the name of the song on the back of the cd case. We still haven’t decided on a font for the song names so we have just used a simple Times New Roman for the time being until we find out what we actually want to do. 

first attempt of a draft cover

This is a very basic first version of our draft that we made on Photoshop, the basic idea we have is to have our band in a bathtub and we thought to make it more random/ playful and fun we would put it in an environment that you wouldn't expect to see a bathtub. The environment we have come up with is in a field however I have also had the idea to maybe do it in a public place to represent our urban feel to the band. The problem with having it in a public place though is there is a lot that could take the attention away from the band themselves, that’s why a field could be quite good as you the main thing you look at is the band.

examples of music videos in the indie genre using friends

 Yung Lean uses his friends throughout the whole video with the being in pretty much every shot, this would be similar to how I would like the friends in our video to be, as you can still make out who is the star image as the friends don't really take too much attention away from him. One thing I will definitely have different though is the clothing they are wearing, the clothing they are wearing could be confused with a grime genre of video, so we would have to be careful that the friends’' outfits suit the genre otherwise it would look odd unless we went for a sarcastic look/ where they don't acre as this could fit in with the genre.

In this video Loyle Carner uses both family and friends, however in the video they are all either singing or playing an instrument as if they are in the song. I quite like how he has done this however I think we would use our friends as more of space fillers rather than actually performing.

This video features the band having a party in an abandoned warehouse looking place, however quite a lot of the shots are their friends featured smiling/ having a good time I like this because it shows a playful vibe to the music video. I also like how they are in the background of the shots, I would like most of the shots with friends to be like this so they don’t actually take much of the attention away but they are kind of a space filler, it is important for the blank spaces to be filled as well because otherwise our video could look quite boring and as a result of this not very professional. 

using friends in our music video

We have decided that we are going have some friends in the background, one of the reasons we have decided to do this is because other music videos within the genre do this. The reason we have decided this is because we feel like it would make the video a bit more interesting instead of just having the artist, for some genres this would be alright as it would fit in however there are few videos in our genre that has only the friends. The friend’s aspect would help us make it a little more playful and it’s not as serious, this is the kind of image we want to deliver to our audience through the music video, we have gone for this idea because it will match the chosen song in the way it sounds.

prospective video locations

This is a video for King Krule's "Easy Easy". As a group when we watched the video, we really liked how King Krule was on top of a building. We then decided to take inspiration from this and try and get to a rooftop in the local area. The first place we thought of was Lutterworth, however, we thought that the scenery and environment was not good enough for are video because no buildings are as tall and the surrounding environment would not necessarily fit the genre.

The next place we thought of was Leicester. Leicester city centre is a maximum of 20 minutes away and it has plenty of tall buildings and the surrounding area is exactly the kind of scenery we want. After we thought about Leicester, we immediately knew that we wanted to film on a rooftop in Leicester. We then set about trying to organise a rooftop we wanted to film on.

Having a rooftop involved in a video is effective because it adds to how the video looks. Think about having a performance next to a building or on a pavement. It may be good, but an extra backdrop and the element of danger is involved in a rooftop shot. Therefore the audience watching has more to look at and it is generally more interesting too.

Although, we would have to be careful about falling or getting into trouble for being on the roof in a first place. As a group, we have decided to ask around friends who go to Leicester college and may know of any buildings we can film on with permission. We would also film in the centre of the roof to prevent anybody from falling off.

Thursday 5 October 2017

album covers within the indie genre

These are example of other album overs within the indie genre, each one is different to the other and there doesn't seem to be that much of a theme between them all, however some album covers look similar, for example the 1975 and the henna with look similar to each other. One thing I did find is that the colours between the usually stay family similar, for example a few of them are monotone colours and some feature one brighter colour.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Fonts for our band

We have decided to start thinking about the font that our band uses for their name. The font can be quite an important thing as its one of the first things they will see if it’s on a poster, the font will give off a kind of first impression and people will have an image in their head after seeing the name. The band name will appear on a few things so it is important that it fits in with the band, the name will obviously appear on the album cover. The name of the font we have decided to use is grateful black the reason we she chosen this font is because it's bold and stands out from the crowd however it’s still got a playful feel to it with some of the letters filled in. 

using push bikes

We have decided that for one of our shots we would like to include push bikes as we have seen a phew other music videos within our genre that uses bikes. We have decided we are going to try and find some retro bikes that we can use as the bikes that are used in these music videos are mainly retro. We were thinking that we would use a Raleigh chopper for the star image. The mise en scene for the shot would be down a back road near an old council estate. These are some of the following videos we have used as inspiration to use the bikes:

making group decisions

Due to having issues with struggling to get some of our wanted band members we have decided that we are going to use two singers instead of just the one. So the way we are going to split it is that Alfie will do the whole song except for the chorus where Fin will be singing that. We have taken in to consideration that it may not work as its only the one artist in the real song and we want to use 2 signers, however we think that the voices sound different enough to sound like two different people. Another issue we face with this is that it may be difficult to know which artist is the star image throughout the video so we are going to have to make sure we take in to consideration everything from the camera angles to the costumes they wear to easily make out the star image. 

An example of a band that has fairly similar voices but use two singer is The Cribs, we thought that these sound just as different to each other as Jamie T does between the two different verses. 

note to examiner

I hope that you enjoy looking through my coursework, I feel like I have progressed a lot this year and have learnt a lot of new things about...